329 III,The 3.29 Event III,1989
  • 329 III,The 3.29 Event III,1989
  • 329 III,The 3.29 Event III,1989
  • 329 III,The 3.29 Event III,1989

329 III,The 3.29 Event III,1989

¥1,000.00 - ¥3,000.00
黃生攝。Photo by Wong Sang.1989年三月,『三二九大赦』登記結束後,大批保安部隊人員因不滿立法會未通過保安部隊加薪酬法案,在澳督府前聚集示威抗議(當年立法會設在澳督府內),並引發立法議員何思謙被示威人群圍毆事件。March 1989, after the “3.29 Pardon” registration, a large number of security officers dissatisfied with the fact that the Assembleia Legislativa failed to pass the bill of raising salary for security forces. They gathered and protested in front of the Palácio da Praia Grande(the Legislative Assembly located at the Governor’s House at the time). Alexandre Ho, a member of the Legislative Assembly, were beaten by the protesting crowd.
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