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等候安排上岸的難民, Refugees waiting to be arranged on land,1981
陳永漢攝。Photo by Can WengHon.
《 越南難⺠民在澳》系列,反映當時越南船⺠在澳⾨的境況,包括生存條件,其衛⽣、飲⻝環境、⽣活狀態和臨時聚居地的情形,以及記載著當時社會流動⼈⼝所延伸出的另類景象,同時亦記錄了澳門曾為難民收容區之一的歷史片刻。The series of Vietnamese Boat People in Macao, reflecting the living conditions and the temporary settlements of Vietnamese refugees. The exhibition shows the alternative landscape in form of the mobility of Vietnamese Boat People at that time, as well as the record of the historical moment that Macao was once the “port of first asylum”.
《 越南難⺠民在澳》系列,反映當時越南船⺠在澳⾨的境況,包括生存條件,其衛⽣、飲⻝環境、⽣活狀態和臨時聚居地的情形,以及記載著當時社會流動⼈⼝所延伸出的另類景象,同時亦記錄了澳門曾為難民收容區之一的歷史片刻。The series of Vietnamese Boat People in Macao, reflecting the living conditions and the temporary settlements of Vietnamese refugees. The exhibition shows the alternative landscape in form of the mobility of Vietnamese Boat People at that time, as well as the record of the historical moment that Macao was once the “port of first asylum”.
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