取潔學校 IV,The IMC  (Instituto D. Melchior Carneiro)  Event in 1995 IV
  • 取潔學校 IV,The IMC  (Instituto D. Melchior Carneiro)  Event in 1995 IV
  • 取潔學校 IV,The IMC  (Instituto D. Melchior Carneiro)  Event in 1995 IV
  • 取潔學校 IV,The IMC  (Instituto D. Melchior Carneiro)  Event in 1995 IV

取潔學校 IV,The IMC (Instituto D. Melchior Carneiro) Event in 1995 IV

¥1,000.00 - ¥3,000.00
黃生攝。Photo by Wong Sang.政府指學校行政出現問題,要取消該校辦學牌照,一批師生及學生家長包圍澳督府前通宵抗議,指責政府處事不公,事件最終該學遭政府收回牌照,就讀學生被安排轉往利瑪竇及海星就讀,事件亦導致政府日後修訂示威法,禁止在政府大樓外30公尺範圍內集會示威,澳督府亦加建了外欄圍牆及鐵閘,擴大建築物範圍。The government claimed that IMC’s administration was flawed and set to cancel the school’s license. A group of students and parents surrounded the Governor’s House and protested overnight. They asserted that the government was unfair when dealing with this matter. This event eventually led to the cancellation of IMC’s license.
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