市牢 V,City Jail in Old Days V,1990
  • 市牢 V,City Jail in Old Days V,1990
  • 市牢 V,City Jail in Old Days V,1990
  • 市牢 V,City Jail in Old Days V,1990

市牢 V,City Jail in Old Days V,1990

¥1,000.00 - ¥3,000.00
黃生攝。Photo by Wong Sang.被稱為『市牢』的昔年『中央監獄』,當時禁男女囚犯都是囚禁在該處,後因城市發展,於上世紀九十年代拆卸。Central prison, also known as “city jail”, imprisoned both male and female inmates. Due to the city’s expansion, the prison was demolished in the 1990s.
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